In MS, the immune system attacks the nervous system. It thinks that the nerves are a disease and that it is protecting you. No one knows what made the immune system think that it should attack it's own body.
Stem cells are removed from the body through a port in the jugular vein, or the bone marrow from the hip. I believe this just depends on the doctor doing the procedure. After the stem cells are harvested they are frozen.
The next step is Chemo. From all of the blogs and webpages that I have read, it is not a walk in the park. I will lose all of my hair and get sick. I guess that I will need to go shopping for some cute hats! The Chemo wipes the immune system clean. Like when your computer has a virus. The hard-drive is erased.
After the immune system is wiped out, the brand new, clean, stem cells that were taken out before the Chemo, are put back in the body. I compare this to getting new software on your computer. The new stem cells will help rebuild the immune system.
The hope is that the new immune system will not attack the nervous system again. The odds are very good that HSCT works. It has worked on many people!!
For a much better, very scientific explanation of HSCT, I encourage you to read George Goss's blog:
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