Monday, October 19, 2015

+90 Days

I was +90 days on Wednesday, August 5th 2015. Time has flown by faster than I thought
it would. Physical Therapy is twice a week and exercises at home. I'm trying to go for
a walk everyday or ride my bike. The weather has been beautiful. Being on my computer
has not been easy. I started this blog post last week, but am only now getting back
to it!

I have been following the main HSCT Facebook group and the Israel one. There are
so many of us that need to have HSCT. It is heartbreaking that it is not available to us
in the US and that it expensive. My having the procedure was not a hard decision.
I had failed 3 MS drugs (DMD's) and my walking was getting worse everyday.

One of the questions that someone asked in a Facebook group was, what are the
negative parts of the treatment? They pointed out that most people just talk about
the positive parts. So, I am going to talk about the negatives in this post.

My hair fell out, almost everywhere and is not growing back as quickly as I hoped
it would! My eyebrows are good and my eyelashes are finally back. I only lost the
lashes on my right eye. My brows on the right side did get thinner. The funny thing
about all this is that my foot drop is on my right side also! MS must like my right
side much better than the left.

Being bald is not fun. I have chosen to not get a wig and am wearing hats when I
go outside. The sad part is that most people think that I have cancer and there is not
a day that goes by, when I am in a store or up at a doctor appointment, that someone
asks me what kind of cancer I have. Then I have to tell them the HSCT story.
People are always shocked when they hear it and I have yet to meet someone that
doesn't know someone with MS. I guess that I should have some cards made with
the HSCT info to hand out!

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